Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

ride, mustache, ride!!

I just picked my new ride up from the glasser's this afternoon. It's 5'2" x 22 1/4" x 2 3/4" ish??? I love the color and the matte finish - can't wait to ride it...and yes, that is a mustache on the deck, because everything in life is better with mustaches and/or cute girls...unless the cute girl has a mustache, which then renders her not cute...well, you be the judge.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Predator Alert!!...prey, ye be warned!!

this girl's name is katie...she is a predator. she is a friend's little sister's friend (i know that's confusing - i apologize), and she likes to prey on guys...i think any guys. everything she says has a sexual connotation and she comes off way too eager - very unattractive - unless of course you're a man whore. and doesn't she look cute with her mustache??? - No, not at all. be safe out there and consider yourself warned.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Champion of the Universe!!!

We got home last Sunday and there was a sick Radon parked in front of our neighbor's house...they went spear fishing and our neighbor landed this amazing 50lb white sea bass, not to mention another 30 pounder. Being a generous neighbor, after watching him cut and clean the fish (Ross helped), he gave us a ton of fish...and we made the best fish tacos ever...and i mean BEST - EVER!

Kent you are the onetime-lifetime winner of our Champion of the Universe Award. Enjoy it, and wear that title with pride, my friend.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

what is hannah montana really made of??

...apparently cigarettes, booze and anyone surprised??
(thanks for the pic kb)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

the ranch, bitches!!!

and the engine decided to get we got skunked.